A Night to Ponder

Relationships always have there differences.

Nikki Mauve
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readJun 1, 2021


I’ve been waiting for you. I’ve been waiting for you left and right, up and down the street I walked. And I go back to the spot where we separated; and then I see you. I see you walking across the street with someone that I don’t recognize. Who is this? The silhouette is feminine. Thoughts are racing and telling me, 'you’ve been replaced’. In the end, does it really fucking matter? I don’t think it really does because you don’t even seem to give a damn about looking around to find me.

We got mad, as usual. Our anger gets the best of us, but for me, I can't stand to be wrong. That would mean that you'd be right. I'll admit my stubborn flaws. Never to you, but at least I know the truth.

Moments later... You and this woman walked separate ways. Her, across the street to the right, and you taking a sharp left into the dark parking lot. Something told me to talk to the person you were walking with.

My vision faded in and out, blinding me on the walk towards this woman. But once I got about 10 feet behind her, I saw her face under a street light and it hit me. Like a wall of bricks, I came to my senses and mentally smacked myself in the face for allowing myself to react in such a childish way. I stopped and turned back to where you were instead.

I'm walking in the dimly lit parking lot towards you right now. And you're sitting with your back to a tree at the very end. You're looking at me, with a satisfied smile on your face, eyes drooping from the alcohol. My eyes droop too and my head is groggy from it all. Before either of us say anything I sit on your left and it begins.

I'm right.

You're wrong.

I'm wrong.

You're right.

By the end of the night, we’re back home under the covers cuddling each other to sleep.

These moments in our relationship are a product of our past. We've both hurt but we grow from the pain together because we understand how dark the days can be apart.




Nikki Mauve
Writers’ Blokke

At lvl 27, here to increase my writing skills. Mommy of two •• Dog mom •• Plant mom •• Adventurer •• Pothead420 •• Artistic •• Vehicle Dispatcher by day •• >>>