A Photo of a Guy Walking Down the Street Is NOT “Street Photography”

It is just a guy walking down the street.

Rodrigo S-C
Full Frame


The winner. Photo by author

Street photography is a challenging yet rewarding genre of photography.

It requires the speed and reflexes of sports photography. The narrative aspect of travel photography. The connectivity of portrait photography. The composition elements of landscape photography. The patience of wildlife photography, and the image quality of fine art photography.

Defining Street Photography is a divisive pursuit, as the category often contains elements of documentary, travel, or fine art photography.

Some photographers think a definition restricts creativity by constructing boundaries, rules, parameters, and others realize that if everything is Street Photography then essentially, nothing is.

I will side-step the controversy. I will describe the genre as photography that is candid, urban, traditionally black and white, fringes on social commentary, and often possesses a clutch element.

Everybody is a street photographer

Street Photography is having a moment, or more accurately an explosive surge in interest fuelled by the internet.



Rodrigo S-C
Full Frame

Photographer, art gawker, musician, psychology geek, septuagenarian. You want fries with that?