A Writer’s Guide to Dealing With Brain Fog

Bridging the gap between a writer’s cognitive health and their success

Olivia Henry
Writers’ Blokke


Image by Priyanka Singh via unsplash.com

When I first started freelance writing, I encountered what I thought was a bit of writers’ anxiety. I thought that I could maneuver through it as I did many times before.

As time went on things only got worse. I constantly lost my train of thought mid-sentence and my thoughts were often hazy. It was near impossible for me to write anything coherent.

I knew something was wrong so I did some research. That’s when I stumbled upon the term brain fog a group of symptoms consistent with my experience.

That’s when I started to explore the idea that my health may be in question.

It’s not often that experienced writers highlight a writer’s need for self-care. In all the tips and tricks, we are never really told to assess our health. I feel like it’s ignored in the name of chasing our goals. While it pays to be persistent, if we aren’t healthy, our work is going to flop regardless.

Especially when you have Brain Fog.

In any case, assessing and optimizing one’s health will inevitably improve your cognition and ultimately make you a better writer.

Brain Fog vs. Writer’s Block



Olivia Henry
Writers’ Blokke

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