About Me and What I Write About

Travel, nature, photography, and whatever else I’m passionate about

Anne Bonfert
Writers’ Blokke


Credit: Anne Bonfert

New to my profile?

Receiving countless new followers every day I thought I should create something where newbies can easily direct through my profile. An article that helps you find what you’re looking for.

Because I write a lot.

Passion is what describes my writing journey the best. It’s why I started to write and why I am still writing. I love writing down my thoughts and sharing them with my readers. But what do I write down?

Credit: Anne Bonfert

What do I Actually Write About?

I write about my life. And my life revolves around three different continents, various climate zones, and jobs. I’m an adventurous traveler who is an adrenaline enthusiast always keen on trying something new.

I love nature. I love being in nature, taking photographs of nature, and watching nature fly by. I’m passionate about photography which can be found in the weekly photo essays I am creating.



Anne Bonfert
Writers’ Blokke

I am a traveler. Photographer. Writer. Teacher. Skydiving instructor. Adventure enthusiast. Nature lover. And fell in love with the African continent.