AI and IoT Healthcare Is No Joke

Giorgi Moseshvili
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readAug 16, 2021

In Many sci-fi movies, we have questions, like Can AI and Robots destroy us? but why don´t we put the question in this way: can they “save” us? well, the answer is — Not really; They are just tools. But they are really powerful weapons.

COVID-19 pandemic has projected newer challenges in the healthcare domain across the world.

I do not know if you have thought about it but I do often, I wish I could go to the doctor without large queues and do their examination, CT or MRI scan, blood test, etc. Now think about how convenient and even necessary it would be for people with chronic illness to get a quick diagnosis from home or for people with disabilities who cannot move freely to get online medical care and further treatment? How would this make things easier, reduce the queue and save many lives especially in this pandemic time?

If we all agree that human health is one of the most important things and then imagine a patient with heart problems and a Doctor who can receive information about his heart condition anytime and everywhere from the device which is connected with a special sensor that the patient has on his chest, everything will be easier. As a result, the chances of the patient surviving increase. Because by any heart problem alerts the information to Doctor where he can quickly carry out the appropriate treatment. Or even can he does surgery without leaving home?

Are We Approaching AI’s and IOT´s Big Moment in Healthcare? Let’s Hope So

Let´s get back to AI and IOT (Internet Of Things) and imagine what items can be connected to the internet? The answer is — everything. From a human Chest to a doctor’s office or from a dog´s neck to a bicycle wheel Almost everything around us can collect data if we assign to them purpose and meaning.

Well, in today’s Scenario, severe issues, and difficulties have been noticed in areas like patient consultations, remote monitoring, medical resources, healthcare personnel, etc.

So now let´s generalize what are the advantages:

  • Patient Remote possibility -It also helps to monitor patient remotely to provide doctors and nurses with updates to track a patient’s health anytime and from anywhere in hospital and alert them to significant health events.
  • Reducing Need For Visits -A similar application of IoT technology can track patients’ health once they leave the hospital, reducing the need for follow-up visits.
  • Reducing Wait Times -An automated bed tracking system notifies hospital staff when the bed is free, allowing administrative staff to receive emergency patients as quickly as possible.
  • Identifying Critical Patients — New AI-powered virtual assistant finds their sickest patients. These systems alert doctors when a patient’s condition begins to deteriorate and provides them with an analysis of their vitals and conditions. also, sometimes Tracking Medical Equipment!

Artificial intelligence (AI) is even more artificial because it´s a simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans.

His algorithm can even improve Diagnostic Accuracy as it turned out that they are more effective than radiologists at correctly identifying the signs of cancer in a CT scan.

AI and IoT Are Changing How Health Is Run

AI and the Internet of Things allow doctors to monitor patient’s health remotely, even when they are not in Building, and determine which patients need immediate attention. In some cases, these AI hospital systems were able to catch problems that doctors missed.

Billions of connected devices are generating tons of health-related sensor data. Eventually, an improvement of data organizing processes is needed. The use of different forms of artificial intelligence as advanced predictive algorithms is bound to create smarter environments where human-machine interaction will become more efficient and safe. The incorporation of IoT into the process of management of healthcare organizations’ everyday operations is the reality.

The future is here: we just have to accept it.

So I, on the one hand, look forward to the next few years as more and more doctors and medical scientists will plan to move forward to use AI and IoT almost everywhere.

Thanks for reading,

— Giorgi



Giorgi Moseshvili
Writers’ Blokke

Mental Health Advocate 👽 Entrepreneurship, Tech, Data Privacy, IoT, | Exploring Future 🛸