Air Fresheners in Rear View Window, Cops Stops Duante Wright, Now He is Dead

EP McKnight, MEd
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
6 min readApr 13, 2021


A short story about Duante Wright becoming a victim of home grown police domestic terrorisms and racial pandemic on the rise against people of color

Photo by Courtesy Wright Family

Protect and serve in the police department seem to be on the back burner of practically non-existing in the Black and Brown communities. Rather, it is shoot to kill even if its a minor traffic stop infraction pertaining to dangling air fresheners in the rear view mirror. Really, Mr. cop? Tell the real truth why you really stopped this young man and his girlfriend. Did it all have anything to do with skin color by any chance? Let’s keep it real!

George Floyd blatant murder at the hand of a rambo racist cop, Chauvin, standing trial right now, and yet these racist cop are yet shooting people of color at an alarming rate, around the Country and even in Minnesota very near where George Floyd was murdered by Chauvin, 10 miles away to be exact. You’d think these cops would at least by now try to be on their best behavior, if that is possible. I think not, given the plight of things happening just this weekend in Minnesota, another young man’s life snuffed away for nothing other than living while Black.

Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, a cop fired tear gas and rubber bullets at protesters who took to the streets to protest the…



EP McKnight, MEd
Writers’ Blokke

Actress, Stage playwright, Author, Motivational Speaker, Teacher Fitness Coach. www.epmcknight.wixsite.epfitspiration Follow me: Tiktok,