An Easy Trick to Instantly Improve Your Well-Being

Just express gratitude with three questions:

R. Meharich
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Unsplash

I write this to share a trick that works for me; it will let you easily and instantly improve your well-being. You just have to express gratitude with this simple daily routine: spend 10 minutes thought, and answer those three questions:

  • Remember something that made you laugh or smile today.
  • Thought to a task, a job, or some specialty that you master (your work, a passion…), and express gratitude for this.
  • Finally, express gratitude for a thing you acquire those last years, something useful that positively impacts your well-being or maybe thought to a special person who had appeared recently in your life and makes it happier.

You can use a journal to write your answers, or not. Find a way and a comfortable time for you (mornings or before going to bed is better). Try this routine for some days, and you will instantly notice a huge difference in your life. You’ll gain in happiness, well-being, self-confidence, sociability, and productivity.



R. Meharich
Writers’ Blokke

Moroccan Doctor, and dad of three. I write about health, inspiration, and small improvements that make life more fulfilling.