An Easy Way To Make Every Day A Successful Day

Declare what makes a victory, then go crush it.

John Teehan
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

Being productive is all well and good, but do you feel satisfied by the end of the day?

Do you feel victorious? Do you feel like you’ve made some actual accomplishments?

You might. You’ve likely got a great handle on your daily tasks and work obligations. But the question remains…

Do you feel like the day was a success?

It doesn’t take much to make every day a successful day. There’s a simple trick you can use that will help.

It involved making a concise list.

The Three-Things Approach

Either before you go to bed at night or sometime in the morning, before you officially start your day, write down the three things you want to accomplish today that will make you feel victorious.

Easier said than done?

That’s fair.

The challenge comes in the choosing. I’ll bet any money that your average to-do list has more than three tasks. A lot more. Mine, for instance, has around twenty — primarily work-related.

Picking three things doesn’t mean ignoring everything else. Those are still important to whatever…



John Teehan
Writers’ Blokke

Writer specializing in tech, business, parenting, pop culture, and gaming. Visit for more info and rates. Twitter: @WordsByJohn2