An Ode to My Enemies

Lyrical lamentations on living with disability

T. R. Barraclough
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readDec 12, 2022


Photo by Charles Etoroma on Unsplash


I can no longer stoop to your level, I fear.
But yet, you still trip me up, making me tear.
I have no recourse for revenge against you.
Except not to sweep, but that simply won’t do.
I require your assistance, though I’m loathed to admit it.
I see you mocking me with your grounded disposition.

Photo by Daniela Paola Alchapar on Unsplash


My knees no longer bend the way they once did.
Not that you care, you insufferable tread.
Left leg to heaven, right one to hell.
I know you’d be happy whichever way I fell.

Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash


You glint at me with brassy disdain.
I’d strangle you with both hands, though it’d cause you no pain.
Your twisted resistance is my ultimate bane.
I curse as I grasp, but the result is the same.

Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash


You, my dear adversary of old.
To defeat you, my soul, I would have sold.
What secrets do you keep so tightly locked away?
Its clear pleas and bargains have no sway.
You give no hint either way.
Oh well, perhaps some pickles I’ll have another day.

Photo by Krissia Cruz on Unsplash


Fat drops, stinging drizzle,
torrential downpour, or quick fizzle.
It doesn’t matter what form you take.
A bastardized barometer out of me you’ll still make.

Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash


Icy gales turn my cheeks red.
Your biting frost makes me stiff as the dead.
A glacier pace is how I move.
I grow weary of this seasonal dance we groove.
Take the lead, as you always do.
But please, f*** off when the snow turns to dew.

Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash

Thank you for reading! This piece is intended to be a humorous insight into the genuine struggles I face every day with RA. Simple things, like opening a jar or a door, humble me daily due to the damage in my hands. While this is just a short list of my inanimate foes, I hope it has brought a laugh and some awareness to your day.

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T. R. Barraclough
Writers’ Blokke

Former Curator. Writing on fiction, disability, and whatever else comes to mind. Just a book dragon looking for more treasure to hoard.