Aside From Passion, Generosity Keeps Me Writing

3 Reasons Why I Write & What Motivates Me To Keep Going

Destiny S. Harris
Writers’ Blokke


Photo Credit: Pexels // ROCKETMANN TEAM

Reason 1: Passion

I’m passionate about writing. Simple enough.

Reason 2: I Write For People

Pierre Clark sent me the following comment on my “About Me story:

I don’t follow many people on here, but you’re interesting enough to follow. Congratulations on your journey. I am a writer as well, though not as prolific as you. I will be starting a publication soon on Medium and will write you to ask if we can feature your story. Thanks for wanting to be and being an inspiration. You’ve succeeded with me, at least.

Simple messages like this keep me going. It’s an honor to inspire others in their life journeys.

Reason 3: I Write To Give More Free Books Away

If you didn’t know, I give free books away on amazon daily. It’s something I’ve been doing for several years now. My goal is to continue giving more books away as time flies.

Thank You Notes

Every time someone sends me a thank you note for the free books I give away daily, it’s motivation to keep writing and publishing, so I can…

