Baffled by Discrimination

Fima Eli
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readJan 6, 2022

Being from a dry city, we celebrate when it rains. We come out of our homes and rejoice. It is a blessing, and when the torturous weather comes we pray for the sky to pour its heart to us instead of making us suffer the wrath of its heat. As anticipated we experienced the monsoon in 2020 but it was not the light, pleasant rainfall we expected, it wreaked havoc and tore homes down.

Two atrocities happened here where I live, the other one was universal; Covid 19.

We experienced heavy rainfalls for the first time, which we in a million years never anticipated.

person in rain with an umbrella
Photo by Matteo Catanese on Unsplash

Where people live in slums, it tore their houses down. As for the big, fancy houses, and supermarkets, it tore them down too; no discrimination.

The adversity must have been more bothersome for the rich ones, ironically because people who lived in the big mansions must not have seen it coming.

On the other hand, the poor people dread seeing the monsoon rainfall every year, they have houses made of hay, scraps, and rags. They make plans ahead and after the season passes, they rebuild their houses.

Surprisingly, even the big, fancy buildings here, do not bother building a sound infrastructure.

A millionaire my mum knows built a huge mansion with a home gym just months before the rain washed the place down. I am impressed by the equity played by nature here.

Owners of huge businesses were brought to tears when the losses were tremendous, owing to rainfall alone.

Covid did the same, played the game of inequity, it shamelessly preferred affecting one group over the other. The elite, the upper class got covid; the middle-class and low-income roamed the streets and lived life as if nothing happened.

Poor people, I believe have a good immune system; with their poor hygiene and a clean diet with zero processed foods. The rich and sophisticated ones, the celebrities and important people with their spotless clean towns, and packaged foods got sick with Covid.

What goes beyond my understanding is it happening to the ones who were cautious and avoided other people like plagues. People who spent most of their day washing hands on the sink and the rest of it sanitizing door handles.

Two people I knew got Covid, a man and a woman both over the ages of 60. The man was healthy with no obvious ailments.

The healthy man who spent his day sanitizing his home succumbed to Covid and died (God Bless him). The woman had uncountable ailments, her kidneys, and lungs were failing while she was fighting breast cancer. She has had various surgeries, somewhere between 8 and 12. It was to the point that she goes into operation theatre giggling and comes out laughing her head off. (May God bless her too). How this woman warded off two covid variants baffles me.

Not to seem biased or superstitious but it was mostly the affluent people, politicians, and celebrities who got the surprisingly warped affliction.

People who deny its existence or don't acknowledge it at all roam the face of the earth unbothered, how does that work?



Fima Eli
Writers’ Blokke

A writer by heart and soul who also loves animals, books and nerdy TV shows.