Be Persistent In Whatever You Do

Persistence leads to success in life.

Mehreen Javed
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readSep 27, 2020


In life, all of us feel the urge to do something great and achieve success. These urges are different for each one of us. For some, it might be working hard to get a business up and running, and for someone like me, it can be something as simple as writing 3 articles per week. So. we all feel like we are good at something and therefore we should focus completely on it to achieve success. What happens next?

We start, we fail, we get tired and in the end, we give up on these tasks completely.

I have experienced this a lot in my life and I believe that almost everyone has, at some point in their life. But, the question is: why do we give up on things? Is it because we are not as good at them as we thought or is it because we failed in trying to achieve them? The answer to the problem of giving up on things is: we lack persistence.

You Lack Persistence

The point is this: you are not bad at that thing you are trying to achieve and failure in achieving things is not what is holding you back. There is only one thing that is preventing you from achieving success and that is the lack of persistence.

“Persistence means going forward even when the circumstances are holding you back.”

In life, you will see a lot of failures in different aspects. Your goal was to start your business but you failed in achieving that goal. Or another scenario might be that you lost motivation in the process and gave up. So, you will think that failure and a lack of motivation are what is holding you back from achieving success, right? No, the point is that deep down, you, yourself are aware that failure and a lack of motivation are not enough to hold you back from achieving the things that you want to. The problem is that you are lacking persistence! The reason for you, not being able to achieve success is because you are not persistent in whatever it is that you want to accomplish.

A lack of persistence means that you give up because of minor inconveniences, even when you have the strength to keep moving forward.

Steve Jobs Was Persistent In Life

The best example of a person displaying persistence in life is the greatest innovator, Steve Jobs. If you think that the obstacles that you are facing in the process of achieving your goals are too much to handle, remember that Steve Jobs was fired from his own company! How would you feel if you were fired from a company that you built? Well, that is an obstacle that I consider to be too much to handle. And Steve Jobs faced that. But did he give up? No.

Steve Jobs showed persistence. Even after losing everything that he worked for his entire life, he did not give up. Instead, he showed persistence and he kept working towards his goal of changing the world through technology. Because he was persistent, he was able to achieve great things in life and then he, later on, got his company back and literally changed the world of technology! He faced difficult circumstances and obstacles in life, but he always remained persistent.

Would he be known as one of the greatest innovators today, if he had lacked persistence? No.

You Need To Keep Going Forward

Life will always try to hold you back in one way or another, but that isn’t a reason for giving up on what you want to achieve in life. If only you develop the quality of persistence, no obstacle will be strong enough to hold you back.

“In life, you will fail and you will fall, but if you are persistent, you will always get back up.”

You might have all the resources and the motivation required to achieve something, but if you are lacking persistence, you won’t be able to go far. So, from today, try being more persistent in whatever it is that you do.

Persistence is going to take you far in life.



Mehreen Javed
Writers’ Blokke

Linguist, Academician, Psychology Enthusiast, Founder: BeMarketed, Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur, Newspaper Columnist, Professional Writer, Blogger.