Blog Effortlessly!

3 simple techniques to capture your natural flow of thoughts

Nilesh Dilip Bane
Writers’ Blokke
3 min readJan 13, 2022


Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

It happens to me quite often that I randomly, effortlessly talk something good but the same talk on some other day, either I miss something or it doesn’t carry that same spark. I think this is because it misses the natural flow, the vibe that I had when I first said it. I can think of the points, plan and still say it, but that takes effort.

It’s the same when I write. At times, I write paragraphs out of nowhere and at times, even if I try hard, nothing strikes.

So here are a few tips you can try to capture this natural flow.

Record your thoughts or make quick notes

Whenever something good strikes, quickly record it or note it. This would come in handy if you are already engaged in some work, and also coz you have other responsibilities and can’t be writing all the time.

This way you won’t miss good thoughts and this is the time when you effortlessly get the right points, words and sentences which you can work on later during your writing prime time.

Also, don’t waste time thinking before recording or noting if it's a good topic or not, coz that would be fidgeting with your natural flow and you would end up losing it.

Capture good conversations

At times, you come across interesting and engaging conversations that lifts your mood or touch you emotionally.

Capture these too as soon as you get a chance. You may not recollect all of it, considering some time may have passed but it would still give you good points to work on and fine-tune them later.

Write for the love of writing and not for publishing

If you are passionate about writing, spending time writing anything should not bother you. Write all that you wish to write.

I once thought that I have good blog content and have completed most of it. I forced myself to complete the remaining part but just couldn’t. I got obsessed and started forcing content knowing that it was not fitting right.

However, thanks that I am not a full-time blogger, I had to break to get some sleep, as I had work the next day. This break gave me an altogether different perception and I framed the same idea in an entirely different article and that too within minutes.

In retrospect, I realised that this time I was only enjoying myself while writing, and wasn’t even sure when I started if the content would be good enough to publish.

Here’s the link to the blog post that I finally published.

Happy blogging!



Nilesh Dilip Bane
Writers’ Blokke

Positive perception! Strives for self-improvement & being useful, being fit unexceptionally in daily hustle, Ordinary cyclist, loves reading, coffee, cricket