Brotherly Beatings — Part 1

I was sure the next kick to my skull would result the same way as when you smash a raw egg; you know, where the shell cracks and the soft insides goop everywhere.

Avi Quinn
Writers’ Blokke


Image credit azerbaijan_stockers Freepik

Like most sibling rivalries, my older brother and I were always at each other’s throats. Trust me when I say I was no angel either… but he really did start it! First blood was drawn on the way home from the hospital as a newborn where he tried stabbing my eye with a pencil.

Fast forward seven years and I had just gotten my brother into trouble for dishonesty. As I called him out on the lie, I also provoked the violent response titled, “You’re Dead, Shitface!” as he was already in full sprint.

Already knowing the inevitable brotherly beating I was about to take, I made my best attempt to flee. You see, being a whole foot taller and 3 years older, I was physically inferior. Actually, my only upper hand in any of our bouts was intellectual.

By the time he caught me about a block away, the adrenaline rush of my-life-coming-to-an-end was surging through my veins. Helplessness was the only proper word to describe my situation as I felt my body being thrown into the street gutter. That’s when I felt him gripping both my shirt and hair, as he began slamming my head into the concrete curbside. I believe he was shouting something but it was indiscernible between his rage, and the sound of fear ringing in my ears.

After he was done using his arms, he stood and began stomp my head with his boot. He only stomped my head twice, for which I was grateful because a third one and I am sure I wouldn’t be writing this today. I think he knew it too, which was why he suddenly stopped.

As I was laying there watching my blood pouring down the side of the curb and joining the rain gutter river, I actually felt a sense of relief because I knew I was still alive. This wasn’t the first, nor the last beating I took from him… but I’ll save them for a different article.

I’ve always found it interesting how as kids, we never took aspirin or tylenol for injuries.



Avi Quinn
Writers’ Blokke

Excited to share many of my life's traumatic experiences. Hold on tight! In no particular order, coming soon!