We Are Looking In the Wrong Place

Bullying is not the real problem

Aaron McClure
Writers’ Blokke


An excellent capture. Photo taken by Trym Nilsenon Unsplash

I was bullied. In fact I imagine a lot of adults were. I can recall being shoved into lockers, the arm punches, and the name calling. I would go home from school and tell my parents hoping they had a solution.

Maybe I was hoping dad would just go to the school and beat the crap out of the kids for me. Isn’t that what dads are supposed to do? Turns out that they can’t due to some “legal and moral” implications.

Middle school was where it was toughest on me. To be fair to my aggressors, I did shine a light on myself as a target. I was in orchestra, I liked home economics (I can still smell both classes), for an elective I was in the card club where I amassed an epic collection of Star Trek cards. I was in both the model rocket and the Star Trek club. I also had “big” hair and dressed unusually.

Yup, target acquired. Beat up at first opportunity

The hidden opportunity

There is one constant concept of growing up. Upbringing is meant to shape and expose us to situations that allow for our growth and development of character.

Consistent harassment has a hidden advantage. It eventually makes a person jaded. You just come to expect the…



Aaron McClure
Writers’ Blokke

Project Manager, blogger, writer. I write about the struggles of life and how to grow as a unique person. I welcome all open discussions.