Changing From Blue Collar To White Collar

A story of starting from having nothing to a having satisfying life

AP Carpen
Writers’ Blokke


Images from — Left image Josh Olalde — Right Image Zan

Just as a background, I was brought up in a welfare family. My father left my mother with four young children and no income in the late 1050s/early 1960s. We had no money. When we were a little older and some of us left the house, she was able to go to a jobs program and was able to get off welfare.

I tell this as a background to understand my journey in the job/career world.

No adult figure to learn from

My mother did the best she could and was a good influence on all of us as far as being good people and understanding a little of life. But there was no practical guidance on how appliances worked and how to fix them. Just the life skills that were needed at that period of time.

We kids had to start at an early age to earn money for everyday needs. I started at age 11 with a paper route. This was in the northeast United States, so I had to walk outside in the freezing winter and hot summer 7 days a week delivering the news. I learned to handle a little bit of money and the responsibility of working every day.

I also started cutting lawns with a friend at around 13/14 years old. His uncle lent us the money to buy a…



AP Carpen
Writers’ Blokke

Paid Member; Semi-Retired Software Developer; Will write about computers for non-techs, human nature, how-to, and some humor; Developing a YouTube channel