The Cost Of Raising A Child

Depends on your spending appetite

Aditi K
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Jeremy Bishop on Unsplash

Parenting becomes tough when kids are loaded with infinite options in toys. From cleaning the mess to making children bond with heaps of toy boxes is really tough. But do you know the best toys are the most simple ones?

As a minimalist parent, I’m ALWAYS cautious when I’m doing any toy shopping. I totally believe in the following theory of Cortney Carver from “Be more with less” —

Clutter attracts clutter and calm attracts calm.

With this note, I have tried practising toy minimalism with my child. With the wishlist amount in the amazon cart, I am happy that I tried it! The following list of items has been provided as a ready reckoner to begin your minimalist toy journey.

  1. Building Blocks — Find the best quality blocks always. Building blocks are one thing that will go a long way. Age-appropriate legos and wooden Jenga are one of the best investments. Kids play with them all the time. From sorting colours to making different shapes building blocks are good for focus play. They also help in enhancing the child’s creativity.
  2. Balls — Kids always feel happy rolling, catching, kicking, dribbling, and tossing the balls all the time. At an early age, play balls help in improving hand-eye…



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