Creating Irresistible Content that Creates Superfans

Don C
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2024

I started writing online like a robot. I didn’t care much about the craft. I desired to grow followers and make money.

I thought my writing was the bees knees. Nothing wrong here.

But soon, I got to the world of social media. Things changed.

I was posting into the netherworld.

I’d try various templates and post away. I spent chunks of time watching different creators for inspiration.

Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash

What worked?

Narrowed down the list of creators I learned from.

Kept writing constantly.

Focused on persuasive framing.

I think simplicity and focus is imperative to increase a skill.

The persuasive framing helped increase my understanding. Fact is, we all have amazing ideas that need to be shared.

But we must:

  • Drive action
  • Clearly communicate an idea
  • Sound like a we have a heartbeat

Start here:

  • Clear opening hook
  • Have a call to action on an idea
  • Show your authoritative personality

If we are able to package an idea in a persuasive way your audience will begin to ravenously engage.

They will fall in love with your content like a 10 year old girl at a Taylor Swift concert.

Photo by Nainoa Shizuru on Unsplash

Clear hook.

A single idea CTA.

Authoritative personality.

That’s what creates persuasive content that will drive your Superfan to act.

Try these on your Medium content. Take a post you already posted and rework it. In this email, I hooked you with my writing journey, persuasion is my singular CTA, and I shared my thoughts on simplicity and focus.

It all works, if you work it.

Thanks for reading,




Don C
Writers’ Blokke

Building elite brands with ghostwriting. AI & data fanatic. Espresso enthusiast.