Curation VS Quality

Both are equally important

Benny Lim
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Ewan Robertson on Unsplash

By now, there are probably hundreds of articles on here talking about whether curation matters for writers (and even readers).

I even did one about a month ago where I stated that personally, I’m on the fence about curation but swinging more towards ‘for’ rather than ‘against’ because it does help in some ways.

Despite that, I still see a lot of people asking if it really does indeed matter.

Well, let me talk a little bit more about it based on my very recent experiences of having a few articles curated.

So, please bring your attention to the screenshot of my articles’ stats below.

Stats for my last 6 articles

Above are the stats for my last 6 articles that I’ve published. Out of those 6 articles, 2 of them were curated. The one at the bottom of the screen was my first ever article to be triple curated. It was curated under Equality…



Benny Lim
Writers’ Blokke

Medium writer since 2019, writing my way to a better life, and helping you lead a better life, one article at a time.