Dark Thirty Is Not Helping Me Make Money

Finding inspiration from unusual people, Communicating with FINESSE, and living the good life at Windy Hill Beach.

JD Solomon
Writers’ Blokke
2 min read7 hours ago


The last thirty minutes at dark thirty are the most important. (Picture of the author)

Dark thirty is an expression in the southern US that refers to a time after sunset when it begins to get dark. Daylight has faded, but it’s not yet fully night. Dark thirty is also a lighthearted way of saying it’s time to unwind, which might include having a drink.

Three Definitions of Sunset

As a sailor and recreational fisherman, dark thirty and the three definitions of sunset have special meaning to me. Remember, sunset occurs when the upper edge of the sun completely disappears from view below the horizon.

Civil Sunset

Civil sunset occurs when the upper edge of the sun disappears below the horizon. It marks the beginning of civil twilight when there’s still enough light for most outdoor activities without additional lighting.

Nautical Sunset

Nautical sunset is the time when the sun’s center is six degrees below the horizon. This marks the beginning of nautical twilight, during which the horizon is still visible at sea, making it possible for sailors to take reliable navigational sightings of stars.

Astronomical Sunset

This marks the beginning of astronomical twilight, during which the sky is dark enough for astronomers to observe celestial objects without interference from sunlight. Astronomical sunset occurs when the sun’s center is 18 degrees below the horizon.

The Thirty Minutes That Matter Most

I tell my beach friends that the thirty minutes before sunset matter most when it comes to surf fishing. That’s when all fish like to feed.

Ironically, there are also approximately 30 minutes of civil twilight, during which there’s still enough light for most outdoor activities without additional lighting. The big fish often feed during civil twilight.

Thinking About It

At dark-thirty, when the day’s grown still,
We gather our lines down at Windy Hill,
The surf’s our song, the night’s our friend,
Casting out hopes where the waves don’t end.

In that quiet hour, when the night takes hold,
We find our peace in the stories we’ve told,
At Windy Hill Beach, where time stands still,
Under the stars, and dark-thirty’s thrill.

Meet Me at Dark Thirty

What’s dark-thirty got with making money? Not much. That’s the time to have a drink and fish. Getting ready for dark-thirty takes most of the afternoon, too.

JD Solomon finds inspiration in unique people and solving unique problems.

