Day Drinking on a Skyscraper

Nudity, advertising, alcoholism, and 10 other guys I won’t mention

Charlie Koop
Writers’ Blokke


Eleven iron workers sitting 60 floors above New York City on a steel girder
Lunch atop a Skyscraper, New York Herald-Tribune, Oct. 2, 1932

I realized the other day that I spend a substantial amount of time naked thinking about the guy on the right of the photo.

This iconic image lives on the wall in my bathroom, and I’m inexplicably drawn to this particular character with a bottle in hand. The photo hangs right behind my toilet, so you might say that my connection with him is rather intimate.

It’s not the two guys chaining a smoke that I find interesting. It’s not the guys with their sandwich boxes or coffee either. My attention has been exclusively focused on this random fellow with the overalls and an empty flask of booze.

How do you know it’s booze and not simply an unsafe glass lemonade container for the poolside, much less for sitting on a beam 800 feet above a busy city?

He’s watched me shave, brush my teeth, slip in the shower, and aim the stream so many times that I felt I should get to know him better. So, I did the research. More honestly, though, someone else did the research, and I read it.

