Dear Diary

Tales of a Bored Pandemic House Wife

Rose Gold
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readApr 26, 2021


It’s been a year since the pandemic started, not a lot has changed out there. Masks are to be worn everywhere we go; which I do appreciate since I don’t have to spend hours in the mirror covering every single imperfection. “Getting dolled up” now consists of just throwing my hair in a bun, a mask on my face, and whatever I can put together for an outfit; on most days it’s just Pj’s if I’m being honest.

Most of my day involves me rolling out of bed to brush my teeth and use the toilet. Once I take care of my most basic needs I roll back into bed. My body dissolves back into the sheets wanting to drift into a fog of sleep but my mind is too anxious so I daydream of food instead.

Did I mention I wake up fairly close to noon?

Yeah, I guess you can say I’ve been a night owl lately. I’m not trying to sound like a trainwreck. Perhaps using the term “night owl” instead of sleep-deprived seemed like the better choice words.

Anyways, I do wish I would have done more with my time today other than lay down and stuff my face like a starved vulture. I know the Over-eating is mostly anxiety and boredom sabotaging my hunger signals. But if I keep this up I will not be able to wear my already big clothes.

Let’s not even mention the fact that I haven’t been working out.

Honestly, the only time I seem to get any exercise is when my Doordash delivery arrives at my door. I somersault off my bed and make a run to my door, grab my sizzling delicious food, and head towards my couch at full speed like an Olympian athlete. Heart-racing and barely breathing I glue my butt to the comfy cushion behind me; like sticky gum in the hot sun. I chew away partly in delight and partly in guilt, and binge watch my favorite Netflix series.

They say chewing burns calories, but I highly doubt that even matters when you’re taking in high caloric dense foods and doing the bare minum.

why do I give in to my anxiety so easily?



Rose Gold
Writers’ Blokke

“I’ve learned to see my brokenness as strength, and my shortcomings as an opportunity for improvement.”-RG