Dear John, With Love, From Me To You

An open letter to John Winston Lennon, one of the most celebrated, complex, and influential yet deeply flawed icons of the 20th century.

Writers’ Blokke
3 min readSep 10, 2021


Photo by Julie Ricard on Unsplash

Dear John,

How are you? How have you been?

It feels like yesterday since the world has last heard from you.

Talking about yesterday, you know they made a movie of the same name. You must be smirking “Aah, that’s Paul’s”. But you know in ‘Yesterday’ you are alive, as a septuagenarian enjoying a postcard-worthy beachside retirement! Because in that universe, you and the lads did not make it ‘to the toppermost of the poppermost’ which means you didn’t happen to say “We’re more popular than Jesus now” which means there’s no Chapman shooting you outside the Dakota, which means you get to live amongst us. I wish you could see it. I picture you making those quirky, witty comments while watching it in the theatre and I laugh to myself.

I miss you, John. The world misses you.

When you called aunt Mimi up the night before it all happened, she was overjoyed to hear that you were planning to go to England soon to meet her, after a decade. She missed you so much, John. You know, her last words were “Hello, John”!

John, did you meet George there? You know, he left us too. Paul wrote a song for you called ‘Here Today’. Have you heard it? His eyes were filled in tears when he was playing it at the concert. We were all crying, wishing you were here today. Your mate Ringo covered your song ‘Grow Old With Me,’ with Paul and released it in his album called ‘What’s My Name’.

Julian is happy, John. Last year he got operated on for his skin cancer and is doing fine now. He travels a lot and takes gorgeous pictures and makes wonderful tunes. Sean is doing well too. He is experimental and interested in alt-rock. They both are very close to each other. I know if you were here, you would have loved to see them bonding. What you could not give to Julian, I think, Sean understands that and tries to make up for it. Yoko is good too.

How is Julia? How is Cynthia? Did you get a chance to meet them yet?

You know, my parents gifted me Ringo’s book called ‘Photograph’ on my birthday last year. He took some really good photos of you guys, and there are some never seen before ones too. Oh John, before I forget I wanted to say that you looked so handsome in those white kurtas and pajamas while you were staying here in India.

How are you doing, John? Have you found what you had been looking for all your life? Has your soul got rest yet? Do you still cry for help? Do you still paint, John?

I happen to get upset when I think about the cold rude you. But, deep down I know you cared and you tried. I can feel your struggle within yourself and with the world. I believe in your good heart behind that rough facade that you used to put up.

The world hasn’t changed much, John. We are not living in peace, we are not one, yet. There are people out there killing each other. The ice is melting and we are living in a pandemic that does not seem to end. But you give us hope, ‘Imagine’ gives us hope for a better future if we can love each other a little more. You were a dreamer and I join you. And, there are folks who join us. All together now, we hope and wish that someday the world will live as one, in peace.

Today marks the 50th anniversary of the release of your timeless classic ‘Imagine’ and so, I had to write to you. I wanted to say thank you. Thanks for everything, John.

I exist because you did. Love you, so much.

Take care, John.


P.S. We could not forgive Mark David Chapman. He has been denied parole for the 11th time. I know you don’t care and you might have forgiven him already. But we could not. Sorry, John.



Writers’ Blokke

I don’t know where I’m going. So, any road should take me there!