“Death Is Not A Marketing Tool” And Other Sentences We Shouldn’t Have To Say

Don’t lie about your death and expect everyone to be cool about it

Priya Sridhar
Writers’ Blokke


Annie Spratt

Trigger Warning: This article does talk about death by suicide, specifically people faking their suicides. You have been warned.

I cannot believe I am writing about this in 2022. You would think that people would have learned by now. There are some things that we cannot forget. And I don’t feel well talking about this. The Daily Beast has all the details.

People faking their death is a hot button for me. Specifically, people faking suicide is something that will anger me forever. I feel a sickness in my stomach, and shaking anger. And an author has done this, someone that has earned revenue from this decision. They now have made the Internet very confused, especially within indie romance.

Come on, 2023 just started. Did we need this drama already? We did not, but the news broke anyway. And now we have to process it, because we are adults.

The Details On (Not) Death

A romance indie author emerged on Facebook this year. She said that she was alive, and not dead as previously reported two years ago. When people called her out, she said that she did nearly die in the…



Priya Sridhar
Writers’ Blokke

A 2016 MBA graduate and published author, Priya Sridhar has been writing fantasy and science fiction for fifteen years, and counting.