Do You Have the Guts to Rely on Your Intuition

Shoba Rao
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2021
Photo by Rezza Chandra from Pexels

You grind your teeth and mutter under your breath, “I knew this would happen”!

When a friend tells you she remembered what you said, you exclaim, “Oh gosh, didn’t I tell you so”?

What do you think is happening here? For me it is a soft voice saying something — but do you pay attention?

Here’s what Merriam Webster says about INTUITION:

· the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference

· immediate apprehension or cognition

Like I said earlier, you sometimes do know, prior to the actual result that ‘this would materialize/not materialize’. How do you explain this feeling? I say ‘sometimes’ as your intuitions may not be correct all the time. This is only because you have not been able to recognize it.

But practice can take you far; you can learn to distinguish things on purpose, combine, apply, and evaluate your capabilities — paving the way to strengthen your intuitive skills.

There are ways to improve your intuitive skills.

Introspection: What is it you strongly feel about? Is it clouded by your emotions or are you able to actually ‘tell’ or ‘feel’ something strongly? Are you guided by your past experiences or occurrences in life? Are you allowing your fears to blur your intuitive capabilities?

Refrain from making frivolous comments calling it intuitions — you are doing no one any good.

Be aware of what you feel as you introspect. When you think you have a strong intuition, ask yourself - Is this feeling giving me a sense of peace, is this really an intuition? Do I feel a sense of pure joy and a heightened sense of contentment? Am I doubt free?

Why do you have to ask yourself these questions? The reason is, you can thus internalize and seek the truth than just wishfully imagine things.

Introspection leads to meditation, where you bring in a sense of tranquil and harmonize both body and mind. It feels like you have cleansed your auras and enjoy a sense of perfect balance. This is when your intuitions are at its best.

As David Lynch says, “Intuition is the key to everything., in painting, film making, business — everything. I think you could have an intellectual ability, but if you can sharpen your intuition, which they say is emotion and intellect joining together, then a knowingness occurs”.

Here are simple steps that can help you strengthen your intuition and help you help yourself and others.

Align with your divine self — intuition is something that is present in all humans — a natural ability. You must be aware and nurture it like all your other capabilities; and it must be used with the best possible intentions.

When you align with your divine self, you have in a sense, alleviated your mind. Remain there and see how you can fine-tune into higher frequencies. You then begin to identify elusive impulses, which have distanced themselves from you as you go through your everyday mundane life. Your everyday life has probably left you with no time to think or introspect on such things, work has got you all wrapped up, running nowhere, and casing your mind in the numerous things to do and deal with. Your monotony has trapped you, making you feel drained of positive energies.

Stop and build your inner strengths and natural abilities.

When you are aligned with your divine self and alleviated, you will be able to keep your energies at the best level. Remain there and be aware.

Awareness is key.

Do not allow any external forces to minimize your energy levels. While in this level, you will be able to comprehend the ability of your intuition. With practice you can go into these optimal levels with less difficulty. This would mean you are in a ‘state of doing nothing’.

You are still and in union with your divine self, your true self. This is when your intuitive powers are at its best.

Though we have a natural power of intuition, when you are in situations that require you to use your intuitive powers, this practice and awareness is what sets you apart. This is the reason why elevated souls are intuitive — the moment they look at people they can say certain things that can be almost magical.

A popular guru from India, Sri Sri Ravishankar says, “You can develop intuition through regular meditation. When the mind is free of cravings, aversions, and distortions, then it settles and becomes sharper. That is when intuition develops. If your mind is constantly stuck in desires, then there is no intuition. You should pray for the well being of those around you. This deep desire is equal to having no desire at all”.

To put things in a nutshell, you, me, and everyone around has an inherent intuition. Learn to look for it, be conscious of it, nurture and develop it to its optimum level.

Cheers to being a more intuitive you!

