Do You Need To Lower Your Writing Expectations?

You don’t have to feel like a failure

Cali Bird
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readMar 15, 2022


Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

Recently I did a survey about writer’s block and discovered some heart-rendering reasons why people aren’t writing at their desired output.

You told me that you were juggling more than one job to make ends meet, that you were exhausted from home-schooling and that you were suffering from grief. For some, your income had dropped and you were stressed about it. Some of you are coping with sickness or a disability, either yourself or a member of your family. On top of that you experienced a huge dollop of pandemic stress.

These last two years have been hard, really hard. We’ve all been adversely affected by the pandemic even if we haven’t had covid-19 ourselves or haven’t lost a loved one to it. The lockdowns and uncertainty have taken their toll. As if that isn’t enough, we’re now witnessing a terrible war on our television screen every day.

We’re all burned out, one way or another.

And that might mean that you are not where you want to be with your writing.

I know successful bloggers who’ve hit a wall and authors who can write a book every two or three months who now have several unfinished work-in-progresses sitting on their computer. They just can’t seem to get anything over…



Cali Bird
Writers’ Blokke

Realistic advice on being creative alongside your busy life. I write novels too. Need romantic escapism? Check out