Do You Really Need Thin Thighs?

What we’re seeking when we try to be thin.

Courtney Leigh
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Skitterphoto

Hiking in Colorado one sunny spring day, I'd forgotten I was wearing a jacket emblazoned with a very authentic-looking "Team USA" patch on the front.

Walking toward me, an enthusiastic tourist looked at that patch and said, "Are you on the US Bobsledding team? Wow! Look at those thighs!"

"I wish!" I replied, imagining an easier life financed by a lucrative endorsement deal with Nike or ThighMaster.

The jacket was from the discount rack at a Nike outlet, not bestowed by any Olympic Games-affiliated organization, despite looking like it could've been.

Fitness is valued over thinness in Colorado and, thankfully, in many other places. "Look at those thighs!" was a compliment. I smiled.

This could be yours in a mere 30 days.

Growing up, we'd go to the beach with another family for a week each June. It was modest compared to today’s beachside McMansions with pools and hot tubs.

We stayed in this cinderblock cottage with a linoleum floor for one week and thought we were cool for sneaking into the hotel pool across the street. There was no view, but you could hear the ocean from the porch and see the nearby fishing pier.

