Do You Spare Time For Your Loved Ones?

Swagatika Kar
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2022
(image designed by the author)

“I am busy. I will talk to you later.”- These were my words to someone close to my heart 5 years ago and I regret saying it every day in my life. I regret because, I was unable to spare few moments for someone I loved. Still I live in guilt for these words of mine.

Sometimes we get so busy in our life and work we find it hard to spend our time with our near and dear ones. Most of the time we think, there is no hurry. We can finish all our work and then spend our time with our loved ones. But what if that person won’t be there when you spare some time for him/ her! What if you never get a second chance to express your gratitude or feelings or love!

I would like to share one incident from the diary of my life which makes me feel guilty till now, which makes me regret about my words each other day. Anindita was my childhood best friend and we were like best buddies. We met first time when we were in standard five and became very close friends within no time. We used to share every single thing that was happening in our life. She was very sweet and was always coming forward to help me and vice versa. We had experienced all shades of life like ups and downs together. It doesn’t matter wherever we were but we used to go to meet each other in every 10–15 days and we used to talk almost every day. Not only us, both of our family are still close.

In the year 2017 on the occasion of friendship day, she called me 20 times to talk and meet. But, I was so busy, I could not pick her call and sent her a message, “I am busy. I will talk to you later.” Before that day when she was calling, I was receiving her call or used to call back in minutes, if I was busy. But on that day for the very first time, I completely forgot that she had called. I forgot to call her back and wish “Happy Friendship Day”. I forgot to call her and meet her. That day passed and she also didn’t call me. On the same night at 12am, I received a call from her husband’s number. Suddenly I remembered that I told her to call her after finishing my work. I thought, “she might be very furious, So, she has called from Sameer’s (Anindita’s husband) number.” I grabbed my phone and received the call without any delay. I got shocked after listening Sameer’s words from the other side. He said, “Anindita is no more. She had an accident before 3 hours when she was driving to your place. I tried to reach her and save her after getting a call from the person who took her to hospital. By the time I reached there, I had lost her forever.”

I felt like my heart slipped away from its place. I could not believe my ears. “Anindita was calling me the whole day. Now, how can she die just like that? Is this a dream or truth? Or some prank of her to punish me?”- I was mumbling to myself.

Death is inevitable. But, I regret because I could not say a proper goodbye to her. I could not spend some time with her (that she wanted or that I understood was her last wish). I could not listen her voice for the last time (because I rejected her call 20 times and replied back with a message). I feel guilty because after finishing my busy schedule, I forgot to call her on that day. When I was busy, I did not answer her call. When I want to call, she is not there to answer my call.- This breaks my heart every day. I miss her every single day and will miss her till my last breath.

It took me a long time to believe she is no more in this world. Till now, some part of me still believes she is not gone, she is hiding somewhere and waiting for me to find her like we used to play hide and seek in school time. No work is more important than our loved ones. Never ignore the love and affection of your loved ones, only because you are busy.

Thanks for reading.

Originally published at

