Do You Argue? Then You Need To Read This.

Believe me, it will sort your life

Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readJul 14, 2021


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

How many of you argue? Argue over things that matter to you, and some don’t matter to you. Most of you, right? It is human nature to contend, and you can not deny that nothing matters to you unless you are a saint. Have you ever try to know the other person’s perspective before arguing? If no, then what is the point of debating when you don’t understand what another person’s perspective is. You are pleading only to feed your ego.

The situation becomes worse when you try to argue with a fool. Why? When you argue with a foolish person, you cannot win as he will drag you to his level of foolishness, and then, by his experience, he will defeat you.

“Arguing with an idiot makes you more of an idiot yourself!”

Never, ever argue with a fool. Most people try to make situations in their favor thinking they are intelligent enough to handle any situation. But, this is not the case.

Before arguing:

  1. Try to understand the other person perspective.
  2. Do not directly jump to any conclusion.
  3. See if saying something matter to you or it’s your ego tries to jump in.
  4. Are you the right person who can handle the situation?
  5. See from their perspective and then make any comment.

“The golden rule of arguing is to listen more. This way, you can analyze rather than being analyzed.”

Maybe, the other person is correct from his perspective, and you are forcing your decision on him. Or, it may be that you are right, but another person is not listening, then there is no point continue arguing. He will not understand it. And, the situation becomes worse when the other person is a fool, and he is trying to convince you that the things you know are not valid. You will lose a vocal fight irrespective of you are correct or not. He will defeat you by his experience of foolishness.

You will never win an argument with a fool because he did not want to use his mind about thinking what you are saying, but will always say the things whatever he thinks is right; whether from the other person perspective, it is correct or not. It doesn’t matter to him. He will always make his point whatever you say. He has a list of answers which he collected from years of his foolishness.

“There is no right or wrong, only two fools arguing for their believes.”

Whenever you are in a situation where you have to argue with someone, do not directly start it. Before speaking and putting your point, think from both perspectives and always listen to the other person. Maybe from his perspective, he is correct; you never know. There are many situations in our life where we are right from our perspective and wrong from others. You have to understand the others and with patience have to listen to them.

Thinking will end most of the arguments. I am correct from my perspective, and the other person is right from his, and then the discussion is finished. There is no way you will come out of an argument if you continue to argue without thinking, especially with fools. Some days back, I come across one cartoon, and it so true in today’s time. Here I am giving in the form of a paragraph.

First Person: How do you are so cool in these times? You are always happy, and nothing seems to disturb you.
Second Person: I do not argue with fools.
First Person: How this is possible? It is not correct.
Second Person: You are right.

See how a second person is calm and knows how to deal with others. He does not like to waste his time arguing. The moral of the above conversation is never to argue with fools. Do not waste your time and energy arguing if they do not contribute to your life goals. I will say if they do or do not contribute, it does not matter; stop arguing.

“Immature people always want to win arguments even at the cost of a relationship. Mature ones prefer losing an argument just to uphold a golden relationship.”

People argue over small things. Husband-wife, friends, with parents and neighbors; people start arguing. It will not help you in any manner whatsoever. So, move on to do the things that matter to you most. Listen with your ears, see with your eyes, and open your mouth only when it’s necessary. Do not start speaking without thinking and analyzing the situation. Some people have the habit of speaking and showing others that they are intelligent enough and have something to say.

Please do not become one of them. Use your mind and think before speaking and arguing. Think from another person perspective and remember not to argue with fools.

“Never argue with an idiot they’ll drag you down to their level and beat you through experience”

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Vinod Kumar Kashyap
Writers’ Blokke

Digital Writer & Storyteller | Bringing Visions to Life Through Premium Ghostwriting​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​