Don’t Play Dead….

When You can Get Up and ACT

Shoba Rao
Writers’ Blokke
4 min readJul 1, 2021


Photo by Darina Belonogova from Pexels

The pandemic has wrecked many lives, orchestrated several changes — it has brought hidden talents to the fore, it’s got some to begin exciting hobbies, some to engage in constant complaining and yet some to endlessly to talk about it.

All of us who are watching the crisis know it is heart wrenching, yet we know we must move on. I do not term this ‘resilience’, if not, then what?

We have a choice to make — either we get up and face each day as it comes and turn it around to make a little difference to people or just play dead.

You choose.

Buddha’s teaching: Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.

Like each drop comprises the ocean, each one of us comprise the world. We are what we make the world to be; not what is completely external. We are all like the treads of the same fabric — you do good, the pattern is lovely — you knot yourself in selfishness, pain, sorrow and what you cannot change — the fabric holds incorrect patterns.

If you hold yourself responsible to the many things happening around, you can make yourself useful and make a difference. It may be a tiny contribution, but it matters.

Nelson Mandela: “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

We do fear the pandemic, we fear for our lives and for those close to us.

The first step however is to challenge your fears, deal with them and overcome them. That’s the only way forward — you cannot play dead when there is your life ahead of you.

Believe in your intuition and take the risk. Maybe there are new things you would like to begin — it’s a tough choice to make. But unless you believe in yourself and take the risk, you will be stuck.

Being stuck is like being trapped in quicksand — you just go down, slowly but surely — so, get up and take that risk. It would well be worth the try.

I have had people in my immediate circle going down to this awful disease. I have been in the dumps for a longer period than I thought was enough — I had to get up and act, instead of acting as if the world has come to an end.

Among the few new habits I’ve picked up during this pandemic, here are three wonderful ones that help me stay focused and not step on swamp. Try it, it works.

Read articles, books and blogs of people who are successful — not just about them but the process they went through to reach where they are.

Today, when we are stranded in our homes, we have the time — either to fret or to look ahead. When you read, you will relate to people’s lives and learn about the steps they took to get up and reach their goals. So read about them and pick five things they did that led to their forward journey.

Write them and focus on how these could help in your lives — FOCUS is key, dwell on them and use them to your benefit. It gives you a good reason to think and follow.

Have conversations with the Universe.

It’s a powerful tool to develop and own — have conversations with the Universe. Rebuild the faith that you had and pay attention to answers that will surprise you — the source of your answers may also surprise you. Be aware and listen, the Universe has its own ways of responding to your anxieties and questions, your prayers, and requests. You may get your answers from your pets, your elders or just the butterflies in your garden.

Stay in hope, be ready to heed and receive; all you need is out there.

Cut yourself some slack; it’s alright to skip a day of exercise.

There is no regimental rule you must stick to. If you have developed a habit, you know habits die hard — so if there is a day you’ve skipped exercise, don’t be hard on yourself. If you have ordered lunch and skipped cooking for a day, just enjoy the rest and the food.

We’ve seen that life can be short, so love yourself to give your body a break and quiet. Nothing changes if you miss something for a day. Be calm and move on.

Have your Sabbath day, enjoy the relaxed moments and live with a sense of serenity.

