Don’t quit social networks, instead use them wisely

Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readFeb 7, 2021
Photo by dole777 on Unsplash

We all know what social networks are and we all have at least one social media account.

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat… They all have some things in common. Originally these platforms were created for sharing information, knowledge and news about the world. With time we started to use them more for showing ourselves, posting our photos and sharing our life.

And there’s nothing wrong about it.

The truth is one:

Social networks don’t harm us. IT’S US who make them harmful. They have cons thanks to us.

It all depends by how we use the social networks and how much time we spend on them. Some people don’t notice that they are wasting too much time on these apps and that they are using them in a wrong way.

We spend an average of 2 hours per day on social networks. But is it really worth it?

As I said earlier, social networks don’t harm us. It is our use of them that harms us. For example, we use them to unconsciously make social comparisons, ( This person has a better work than mine \ this person is in better shape than me…).

We also use them for posting our photos and our life. There’s nothing wrong about it. The problem arises when we expect a reaction from our followers, a like or a comment, and when we don’t receive it we suddenly feel sad or disappointed because we think that nobody cares about us.

The purpose of posting should not be expecting a reaction or a like from people , otherwise you’ll be using it just for showing yourself. When we don’t receive a positive reaction we end up believing we are not good enough, and this increases social comparisons.

We should not care about other opinions. Instead we have to be aware of these opinions and realize if they harm us or make us better.

Social networks are also a good way to improve ourselves, through criticism and advice, but we have to be aware of that.

The tip that I want to share is to use social networks wisely and being aware of how you use them. Take time to reflect about your usage and your time spent on them.

Don’t say you don’t have time because you have it. You just don’t realize you’re probably wasting it with activities that might harm you, for example an infinite scrolling on social networks that can take up your precious time.

Use them to improve yourself, to know more about the world, to know new people and to share what you love. Know when you’re wasting time, say to yourself STOP and go doing something else.

It’s okay to have social networks, but remember that there’s also the real world that is full of beautiful things.

Never let the online world control you.



Writers’ Blokke

Dreamer | Psychology lover | Music and Tv series addicted. Sharing life advice, personal growth and general tips on how to live better.