Don’t Worry About Sales, Just Keep Writing

Profits follow diligence

Destiny S. Harris
Writers’ Blokke


Photo Credit: Pexels, mohamed abdelghaffar

Profits Are Validation

One of the key methods to receive validation for your writing is through sales and royalties of your books and articles. When you first start publishing, sales are traditionally low — unless you’re super lucky. But even after you get started, for a while, your sales still may be low. Don’t waste your time looking at sales, though; spend more time focusing on your productivity.

Profits Require MORE Writing

To witness your written works transition from $0 in sales to >$0 in sales will require you to spend more time actually writing. If you’re always concerned about your numbers, you probably aren’t spending enough time building a backlog of books and articles.

Profits Follow Diligence

Profits follow diligence. It’s a proven method that outshines even the luckiest. As long as you’re consistent, you will eventually reap the rewards; it’s the law of cause and effect:

For every action we take, there is an effect, one that ripples through the universe, much like that of a beam of light moving forever in one direction (Paul Turcotte)

Your output equals your input.

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