Doorways of Medium: A Collective

Join me in a collective writing exercise. All you have to do is comment!

Runda Alamour
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readJan 4, 2022


Photo by Rafaela Biazi on Unsplash

I am a new writer on Medium. What I’ve noticed right away is that this is a community that stretches across the world. What a beautiful thought, all of us collectively typing away miles and miles apart.

So, I propose some collective writing fun! Below, I’ll post a prompt and example. Anyone can respond in the comments and at the end of January 2022, I’ll compile the responses into a new story that’s geographically organized. It’ll be called, “Doorways of Medium: A Collective [Final]”.

Your response may be poetry or prose, the only limitations are:

→ No more than 50 words.
→ Only one submission. (You can leave other comments/respond to other submissions.)
→ Follow the format so that it’s easy for me to copy/paste into the final product.


[State/Province/Territory, Country] @mediumhandle
Then, answer the prompt in 50 words or less!

Here’s the prompt:

Describe what you see when you open the door to leave your house/apartment/hotel/condo/whatever type of dwelling you reside in.

That’s it! Make sure you follow Runda Alamour and subscribe to get email updates from me. You don’t want to miss the final product!

My submission:

[North Carolina, USA] Runda Alamour
The door opens to a small porch with three steps, leading to a footpath of square brick that ends at a gravel driveway. Across the creek, the railroad tracks, and the highway, I can see not-so-distant mountains. Today, they are covered in far more snow than lies beneath my feet.

Other thoughts:

I hope you participate even if you’re not confident in your writing, if English is not your native language, or if you don’t usually write creatively or about yourself.

Write about what you see from your doorway at any time or any season of the year, when you’re traveling or at home. For extra fun, tag me in a photo of your door on Instagram. You can find me @ rundaalamour or just click here.

Note: This is not an exercise to collect identifying information about your home via writing or photos. Do not share more than what feels comfortable, we’ll let our imaginations fill in the rest.



Runda Alamour
Writers’ Blokke

Finding creative space outside of my own mind. Palestinian-American mother, educator, + union organizer. 📍Asheville, North Carolina 📧