Easy money?

Aamer Kahawish
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readMay 3, 2023

Seems it’s not that much easy. and you need to be aware of that.

Photo by [Christine Roy}

The allure of making money from an online business is undeniable. The Internet has opened up countless opportunities for entrepreneurs to launch successful businesses and earn a living from the comfort of their own homes. However, many people make the mistake of thinking that making money from an online business is easy. They assume that all they need to do is set up a website or social media page, and the money will start rolling in. Unfortunately, this is far from the truth.

The reality is that building a successful online business takes time, effort, and a lot of hard work. If you’re serious about making money from an online business, you need to be prepared to put in the work and be patient. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. It takes time to build an audience One of the keys to making money from an online business is having a loyal audience. Whether you’re running a blog, a YouTube channel, or an e-commerce store, you need people to visit your website and engage with your content. However, building an audience takes time. You need to create high-quality content on a consistent basis, promote your brand on social media, and interact with your followers. It can take months or even years to build a large enough audience to start making money.
  2. You need to establish trust In order to make money from an online business, you need to establish trust with your audience. People are more likely to buy from a brand they trust, so it’s important to build a strong reputation for your business. This means being transparent about your products and services, providing excellent customer service, and delivering on your promises. It can take time to build this trust, and it requires a lot of hard work.
  3. There’s a lot of competition The internet is a crowded place, and there’s a lot of competition in virtually every niche. If you want to stand out from the crowd and make money from your online business, you need to offer something unique and valuable. This requires a lot of research, planning, and creativity. It’s not easy to come up with a business idea that hasn’t already been done before, and even if you do, you’ll still need to work hard to make it a success.
  4. It takes time to monetize your business Even if you do everything right, it can take time to monetize your online business. Whether you’re selling products, advertising, or using affiliate marketing, it can take time to generate enough revenue to make a living. You need to be patient and continue to work hard even when the money isn’t coming in yet.

In conclusion, making money from an online business is not easy. It requires a lot of hard work, patience, and dedication. If you’re willing to put in the effort, however, the rewards can be significant. By building a loyal audience, establishing trust, standing out from the competition, and monetizing your business, you can create a successful online business that provides you with the income and lifestyle you desire. Just remember that success doesn’t happen overnight, and you need to be prepared to put in the work to achieve your goals.



Aamer Kahawish
Writers’ Blokke

Many thing to be said … and here I’m arranging my thoughts to become stories worth publishing