Employers Have Gone From Selective To Just Plain Psychotic

The level of audacity is outrageous.

Talia Diaz
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Michael DeMoya on Unsplash

Looking for a new job can be a stressful process. Most of us have been there. The endless applications, the heartbreaking rejections, and worse yet — the inevitable feeling of defeat when an employer doesn’t respond to your application at all. Sigh.

It happens repeatedly. And it’s completely draining to go through this, to say the least. Talk about a confidence-crusher!

What is potentially even worse than feeling unnoticed by a company after you carefully completed their job application and never heard from them, is being put through a ridiculous interview process.

I realize that employers have every right to vet potential candidates in whichever way they see fit. After all, it’s a free country. But the audacity of some employers has gotten completely out of control.

It’s a startling trend, and it doesn’t seem to be going away: employers have an inflated sense of ego when it comes to how much time and effort they should realistically expect potential employees to spend on their interview process.

I have a friend who is watching the insanity unfold right before his eyes at his company. For a little context, they are hiring 2 new people on his team for…



Talia Diaz
Writers’ Blokke

I write about all things personal finance, navigating the corporate world, and challenging the status quo. Let’s get to work 💜