Energy of work- our ways of working

I am Marta
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
3 min readJan 15, 2022
Source: Adobe Stock, Author: Aaron Kohr

Why the 9 to 5 job will not work for many of us or perhaps in the future for none of us?

As humans, we are cyclic beings. It means that each person has its own natural cycle and is tuned with the cycle of Nature in its own unique way as well. Most of people are not aware of their true nature as this is not what we have been taught at school. We have rather been thought that we need to follow the same system and rules. The same system, which makes each person to lose its uniqueness.

9 to 5 jobs are most likely the reflection of our education system, meaning the early age programming, that we need to follow the same path, rules, without a space for embracing individual needs and gifts, for the falsely created common good.

Each person is unique, with unique needs, talents, gifts, lessons to learn and surely will not match with all people and that is ok.

The key is to truly know and understand yourself, to remove those onion layers that were put by others, societies, all the external influences, because only then each person can know what is best for them and would be able to match with others like-minded people and create together.

This refer to all aspects of life, including work.

If you work in 9 to 5 job because you like this rhythm and it serves you well, it is great. However, if you do it only because you have to, it creates stress, frustration and all of this blocks your creative energy flow.

It certainly does not work for me. How about you?

If most of people in the city start work at 9, we all experience traffic jams before 9 and the same goes when they get back after 5. If people work Monday to Friday, all leisure and nature places are full of people, crowded and therefore not really pleasant during weekends, because it is “the only time” they can relax. If vacation time is summer months only (in most of the countries in the world I guess), it is exactly the same, all places are crowded, holiday cities build unnecessary airports, destroying Nature, because they need to be able to receive tourists in 3-months period of time and the rest of the year, the airports ar almost empty, but need to be maintained of course and that is a huge cost. The cost that we all pay.

It all happens when we work against our nature. We work against our nature only when we don’t know it.

We need more flexibility and creativity as well as understanding what is best for ourselves at work.

Though, when we do what we love, we are in a flow. Yes, we do need some frames, but that is very individual.

When I have my flow, I can work all day. Other days, I need to regenerate and relax and then again ideas start to come to me and when they do, I can take actions again. This is how we can work more effortlessly instead of creating fake frames, which only limit our flow.

Yes, stiff frames limit our flow and when they limit the flow of creativity, they also limit the flow of money.

Do you know your flow? 💫

With love,


I truly believe that how we create the world, depends on who and how we are within ourselves. The creation comes from within. This is not just talking, it is science.

I love encouraging other people to reflect and understand themselves on deeper levels as I believe every experience in the so-called external reality starts within ourselves. When we are aware of ourselves, we create healthy relationships with others and therefore, healthy societies.

I am a Life & Business Coach and Business Mentor and I would be happy to share more with you through my website. Feel free to sign up for a Newsletter there to track news and events.

I believe we can make this world a beautiful place again together 🌍💚

Thank you for reading my posts, for every comment and for being connected.



I am Marta
Writers’ Blokke

Life & Business Coach, Writer, Mystic. Writing about a deeper understanding of reality, the future, feminine and masculine energies, power of mind and heart.