I got bailed out just in time.

Escaped Abduction By A Group Of Cats

I have no idea who to blame?

Wicked Diya Saini
Writers’ Blokke



Let’s get our treadmill with goodwill in a twist drill towards the past. It was when I went pop out in the World; I call It XXXX year. Rest, you can do the maths on my age as it is the most I can share whenever something intrudes into my generation.

My conspiracy to abduct occurred at the birthplace, which is Tripoli, Libya. My Mother has always prayed to God for a baby girl. I didn’t explore why, as filled it having a son before a daughter is more torture than you can have. The radar of suspicion on her is flawed.

And then my sole big brother who stood dominated by four years to me. He would have been a suspect if he didn’t go to school, as I have often heard stories of envy, narrow-mindedness & sister-slayers towards the undesirable breed in the house.

And he missed my target, too!

As per my Mother, straight off the narration, “My Dad was away for work.” Disregarding him being or not being around was not significant as transpiring in the Merchant Navy for me he was always on an endless voyage by car, ship or skateboard.

On the eventful day that went by, my brother’s school was 2km from where we lodged. It was an everyday stroll for my Mom with me in the stroller, a bundle of joy. I like to be called that, at least in this whole thing about myself. Where technically, authentically & obviously, I score the total scores on what is a newborn light.

Sidelining my story to recite you the backdrop, we resided in this tall building, at least taller than my Dad, as that’s how my measure of that age went in my focal point. We were on the top floor using the panoramic elevator that swallowed us up and threw us out, maybe finding us tasteless giving up on us.

The same thing happened on the day of my kidnapping, after being swallowed & puked on the ground floor. My Mother went over on her belonging & realized leaving a water bottle upstairs, which was like daily glucose for my Mom & Brother on the long to & fro walk.

Climbing up and down with me would be another crazy run for her. Secondly, I think the buggy was more important than me. Even if she managed to get the bundle of joy me along, the premium would have gone disappeared. Someone had to express their authority on it. She left me to take care of the stroller and the God to care for me.

Before leaving, my Mother did an excellent decisive thing: putting the milk bottle in my mouth like a silencer to avoid unnecessary restlessness and attention without detecting the invisible creatures in the surrounding.

As soon, Mom rolled, over slipping like a Supersonic woman. A curious stray cat jumped over the edge of my buggy. And the jump slid my bottle into the buggy’s mouth.

I started crying discern my vehicle raided by an extraterrestrial being. Seizing my wailing, the cat started making similar noises as if mimicking me. Then, within seconds, the edge of my vehicle was sketched by a few friends of the extraterrestrial.

Amazingly, they cried identical to me. I couldn’t comprehend who did the aliens genuinely attempting to communicate with, mates or me. The numbered aliens increased. The edge of my vehicle was houseful, and the others went around my carriage shaking hard. My screams got louder than aliens got louder competing with me. My carriage felt moved; the extraterrestrials seemed more sure of themselves than I did.

All of a sudden, breaking their plot, my supermom arrived, hearing about the commotion. They just went away in my eyes blink or my Mom’s breaking in avatar with a raised umbrella in one hand & the other an oversized bottle.

My Mom rescued me in the nick of time, finally raising me in her arms, giving me a reassuring hug saying they are evil intruders who can’t pass judgment between good & bad. My Mother left me with an open-ended expression.


As I grew up, I learnt they have senses stronger than humans, which confirmed that my abduction was all due to the evil vibes endowed in me that caught their attention to make me part of their tribe.




Wicked Diya Saini
Writers’ Blokke

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