Every Article You Write Is Important to Someone

RJ Carr
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
6 min readOct 20, 2020


Photo by Matthew Guay on Unsplash

I am part of the Medium Partner Program but that does not mean I write for the money. In fact, because of the nature of my niche, I offer some of my most popular pieces for free.

I am sure you’ve read the many articles from writers boasting Medium makes them lots of money. You know the ones:

“I was on Medium a full ten minutes before I made my first million. It was one article going viral that led me to realize I am a good writer: How to Crack an Egg and Boil Water in One Day.

Medium’s own stats show those who make a living here are a minority of writers on the platform. The fact is that of those who make money, the vast majority of us make less than one hundred dollars. Fifty-two cents is less than one hundred dollars. Many of us here do not write for the money, we are writing for the experience, lessons learned through it, for the joy and improvement of the craft and to inform and entertain.

Are you here for the money? Good for you. Eventually, you will leave and go make real money writing for the New York Times. Much of what we can write here will not be accepted by other world class publications. The reason has little to do with the quality of the articles. Medium has excellent writers and writing. It has more to do with the vision of the editors in those off platform publications.

