Everyone’s Medium Journey is Different

Don’t set false expectations

David Andrew Wiebe
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

If you’re asking the question, “can I make money on Medium?” Well, the answer is “yes.”

I have made some money on my journey, and March 2021 ended up being my most profitable month so far.

I first started taking Medium a little more seriously in 2018, when I learned about their partner program. And, as I kept writing, sure enough, one of my pieces was curated (the one and only piece I’ve ever had curated). That helped me generate a little bit of Starbucks money.

Unfortunately, that’s when I took my eyes off Medium for a while. I honestly couldn’t tell what the fuss was about. My stories didn’t get that much traffic (some experts were even saying if you aren’t getting 1,000+ views per story, you’re doing it wrong), and the money I made never amounted to more than a fancy fruity iced tea.

I made my return last year in July and have been publishing daily ever since, sometimes multiple times per day. I went from a little over 100 stories to over 400 stories.

And now, instead of one fancy fruity iced tea, I can buy three with the money I make! Wow!

So, when I see others say you can make $50 in your first month, yeah, I suppose that’s true. But I haven’t seen it myself, and as a new…



David Andrew Wiebe
Writers’ Blokke

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.