Fast Food or Michelin Star — Which System Would You Prefer to Dine, Learn and Work?

Our education system and corporates both need a Michelin star overhaul

Nishith Goyal
Writers’ Blokke


Photo by Jennifer Griffin on Unsplash

‘The Element’ by Ken Robinson is an exciting read.

In the last couple of pages of the book, he has aptly compared the education system with the categories of restaurants in our society.

He compares the fast-food system with the Michelin star restaurants.

Fast-food chains

Fast-food restaurants make sure that their food is standardized, inputs are the same every time, the process is standardized, other materials and chefs follow a standard routine and delivery mechanism, and finally, the packaging is all the same.

A fast-food chain's idea is to deliver the same quality, quantity, and experience to the customer.

As Sir Ken Robinson writes in the book —

“The fast-food chains specify exactly what should be on the menu in all of their outlets. They specify what should be in the burgers or nuggets, the oil in which they should be fried, the exact bun in which they should be



Nishith Goyal
Writers’ Blokke

Author of two books, Creator - Be Better Bit-By-Bit, Long-distance runner, diarist, Podcaster. Writes about Journaling, Self, and Positive Impact.