Finding Shortcuts in Life

Labman Perspective
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readJun 1, 2022

Face it. Life is Hard, and it always will be. The trick is to get through it, not around it.

Photo by Isaque Pereira from Pexels

And then I realized, there is no shortcut in life.

When enough breakthroughs have been made, we can take on anything life have to throw at us, big or small, trivial or grand, with confidence, resilience, bravery, and FAITH.

There is no secret to success, no magic formula for happiness, no amazing new techniques for reaching our dreams, no quick and easy way to becoming rich and powerful, and no unique method for getting everything we want.

Instead, through centuries, of all the successes we have seen in people, what worked are the basic qualities we have been taught and spoken to over and over again, that have become a cliche to most of us, those time-honored values: respect, kindness, honesty, appreciation, desire, hard work, compliment, or just being a good and decent person, a nice guy/gal. There is no shortcut to achieving success because it needs to be earned.

And the process of earning what you want costs you, it costs you time, effort, dedication, commitment, discipline, sacrifices, it demands pain and bruises so we learn success is not an easy road (or else everyone can do it, and most don’t — this is what separates the weak from the strong, losers and the winners).

Challenges make us stronger physically and mentally, we learn the habit of getting our hands dirty, being out there, initiating the actions that lead to taking home our goals.

With each trial and error, we learn the power of resilience, so when rejection comes, we don’t just give up, but we manage to coach ourselves not to back down, but to try and try again regardless of what the naysayers tell us. It’s not their dream, they would never understand it.

Your dream is yours, only you can give it life, so don’t let others’ opinions become your reality.

Labman Perspectives



Labman Perspective
Writers’ Blokke

A scientist, a family man, and an avid hoarder of creative ideas and positive affirmations. I seek to inspire and to be inspired. 💯 Supporting You!