For The Millennials, By A Millennial

Habiba Shaukat
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2021
Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

Being a millennial myself, if asked about the worst qualities of the millennials, I think being ungrateful will top the list (followed by being dramatic, of course). We have a knack for creating drama, whine about the smallest of issues, and be utterly devastated when we don’t get the things we think we deserved (even though, what we already have is more than what we were entitled to).

And I am saying this strictly from my personal experience. I realized this a year ago. It was an abnormally hot day and I was on my way back from the university on the bus. Regretting my decision to avail the University’s bus service particularly that day. You know one of those days where you’re just tired of your existence? You can probably relate if you belong to my generation. Anyway, while I was being just generally miserable thinking how, if I had chosen to book a cab or tagged along with a friend it would’ve been easier. How I would have avoided the heat and reached home twenty minutes earlier. That is when an old man on a bicycle passed by my window, and I did a double take because the man was too old and frail to be riding a bike in that weather. He had an old cap on his head, which was all the shelter he had from the scorching sun and his feet were clad in a ratty pair of shoes and I swear I could see his feet through them because the soles of his shoes were so torn. I have no idea how long he had been riding or how many more miles he had to cover. Or probably he was going for work that includes some kind of physical labor. But suddenly, sitting in the bus, reading a novel and constantly dozing off didn’t look too bad. Knowing full well that when I reach home, a hot meal, a cold room and my soft pillow will be waiting for me.

Now you might be wondering why I am targeting my generation only when it is in human nature to be ungrateful. To tell you the truth the previous generation worked a lot harder than us and lived simply, while we are often lusting after luxuries and despite of having everything, we are still sad (a status quo of millennials).

