Getting Out Of A Rut

Jill K
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
4 min readJan 13, 2021


Dealing with stagnancy in life.

In a time where we are forced to live our lives in confined spaces; where you have to work, play, and shop from home, it can be easy to feel like life has hit a standstill and there is stagnant air around you.

It can be easy to lose sight of your goals and the sense of achievement we as humans are so driven to have.

Being stagnant feels like you’re not in the mood to do anything. It means you turn to sleep, mindless TV, or games for comfort. You’re overwhelmed with the feeling of dread for not achieving anything in the recent months. You know what you should be doing, but you keep avoiding it for lack of motivation.

Circumstances of life have left me feeling like my independence was stripped away and that led me down the rutty pathway of stagnancy. Due to lack of motivation or care, I’ve stopped progressing my writing, and for the last few weeks, I felt like I couldn’t get back into it.

I’m not one for new year resolutions, neither do I subscribe to the ‘new year, new me’ mantra. But I felt it was necessary this time.

So I decided to wake earlier than noon, to make the bed instead of laying in it and scrolling through social media. I made coffee, skipped a heavy breakfast, and sat down to list action steps, which led me to write this article.



Jill K
Writers’ Blokke

Lover of the written word and the chaotic weirdness around her. Usually funny. Get in touch: