Getting Ready Is Best Done By Getting Started

Not the other way around.

Matt Hogan
Writers’ Blokke


Matt Hogan Instagram

“I know the easy option is to keep waiting until you are ‘ready’ but it’s going to get to a point where you realize that ‘someday’ is today and that there is no right time. Ignore the fear of failure and jump when you need to. It’s better to fail than to not try at all.”

Unknown, via MoveMe Quotes

Unexplored ideas are like unexplored hiking trails. You might get a gist from what friends think, what the maps say, and from previous reviews of the trail, but getting a “gist” isn’t the point of hiking. The point of hiking is to explore—to interpret the landscape for yourself. And so it is with ideas.

Once you set your mind to the idea of a trail, the easy option is to keep waiting until you’re “ready” to hike it.

You, of course, need to get the proper gear, buy the proper clothes, plan the proper route, read the proper reviews, obtain the latest weather, plan the ideal parking/ sleeping location, check for road/ route closures, block out the proper time away from work, get someone to watch the dog/ kids/ spouse… and on and on the list could go.

If you really wanted to, you could continue to find reasons to never be ready to hike—and I’m sure you wouldn’t even have to try very hard. Because the thing…



Matt Hogan
Writers’ Blokke

I help busy people do inner work. Specifically find alignment, build discipline, and uncover joy. Read my daily musings at