Give up, just after you tried once at least

Don’t give up after one try, keep going even when it’s hard.

Aamer Kahawish
Writers’ Blokke
1 min readSep 4, 2024


Photo by NEOM on Unsplash

Many people want to start their businesses, but it can be tough. Sometimes, people give up right away when they face problems. This is a mistake. It’s important to keep trying even if things get difficult.

Success Takes Time

It’s not easy to become successful. It usually takes a lot of hard work and time. Don’t expect to be successful overnight. Most successful businesses have faced many challenges along the way.

Learn from Your Mistakes

Yes, we are human beings, so everyone makes mistakes. However, it’s important to learn from them. Think about what went wrong and try to do things differently next time.
In case you want different results, you must try to do things differently.

Ask for Help

Starting a business can be lonely. It’s important to have people who support you. Talk to friends, family, or other business owners for advice.

Keep Going

Don’t give up after one try. Keep trying and you might be surprised at what you can achieve.



Aamer Kahawish
Writers’ Blokke

Many thing to be said … and here I’m arranging my thoughts to become stories worth publishing