Hall of Splash

God — Why was I misunderstood by them half the time?

Stephen Hawking

Wicked Diya Saini
Writers’ Blokke


The discoveries I have made thus far in life could not breach the records of the world. They are worth mentioning, though.

That I can’t blow a bubble out of bubble gum using my mouth other parts, I have to explore yet.

I don’t enjoy sex, hang on 100% no, 110% sure shot. With the same sex, I have yet to experiment.

Thirdly, I can breathe synchronously through my nose, mouth and tramp.

Stephen Hawking was frustrated with the interpretation of his discoveries.

The Six Breakthrough of our Ringleader plunged his heart into agony.

Singular — An increase in divorce levels.

Einstein insinuated that space-time appeared to be infinitely bent.

That’s dead on target. I feel it continuously running in opposite directions, eventually leaving me spaced out.

Stephen Hawking did groundbreaking work further on applied it to the whole Universe saying that gravitation produces Singularities.

Forthwith, our heroes were pointing to married men and women; their gravitational forces generate friction based on space and time, leading to singularities or divorce surges, east or west, yes or no and maybe sex positions.

Black hole Breakthrough — Manhole Mathematics

How Stephen came to this finding while strolling on his wheelchair abruptly, his remote control of the chair conked off. Which suddenly made him facilitate air swimming rendering him dropped with a violent thud in the black hollow. Where his finding in this solitary confinement of Manhole made him learn about these below stated highlights.

  • His first law states that the total surface area of the black hole will never get smaller.

As he could make out after his landing, it bears no substance as quicksand or glue or coke fizzed drink, which had replaced phenol for cleaning your bathroom thrones.

  • In addition, he said that the black spots are hot.

Depending on which kind of human waste have you submerged too.

  • Another pointer states that three numbers can characterize black holes; their magnitude, angular momentum and burden.

What went logged on his flight from the wheelchair to the black hole?

  • Black holes emit radiation.

Equal to the soul stuck in them, which may continue till they exhaust their energy and perish cursing each other.

Cosmic Inflation Theory — Erratic volume game

In addition, Hawking was among the first to compute volume fluctuations. He concentrated on the tiny abnormalities of humans and their performances. In the course of intensification, give on the rise to feast in galaxies of the Universe.

People of short-sighted or short heightened misinterpreted that.

When we start varying on our velocity in our daily soap opera, it leads to fireworks in the galaxies — induced due to your temperamental plug, short circuit & expired license on the self behavior of oneself in gods jurisdiction.

Model of the wave function of the Universe — Thank you, Adam & Eve.

This theory asserts that time did not exist before the explosion of the Big Bang. Consequently, the concept of the early Universe is meaningless, Like an empty fridge without food is difficult to visualize.

The blast happened when Adam and Eve arrived on Earth. That’s when sex exercised, inducing a big bang explosion by making & reproducing babies.

A Brief History of Time — Star Trek

As a kid, Stephen Hawking often lay under the sheath of the sky, watching the stars, attempting to learn to interpret time, which went to a full-fledged daytime betting game with teenagers determining the time by staring at the sky.

Stephen Hawking always won. He was left fascinated to deliver his secrets of the sky.

Nonetheless, people misjudged him when his hands went pointing to the sky — making him suffer endless pain on pointing to the heavens only to give up with throwing cold water at his head.

Few quoted him as,” Twinkle, twinkle little star rhyme sympathizing with his being star-struck. Some thought connecting the stars playing dot game can exhibit the alien images of future attacks. Where the others assumed he wanted to be known as a Superstar.”

Top-down Theory of Cosmology — Multiple gods led to disarray.

“Top-down cosmology” states that the Universe had not one unique initial state, simply consisting of overlapping many possible initial conditions.

Since people worshipping various gods led to the overlapping of the Universe like multiple scoops on a cone.

Throughout recorded history, we can count anywhere from 8,000–12,000 gods that exist. The theist did not allow this theory to rise, leaving Stephen Hawking flipping like the mad wolf.

Surprisingly few people knew Stephen Hawking donned a wig to conceal his bald head as he suffered ripping his hair resembling his crest to a coconut shell. Referable to the misquotes that culminated in this sequel.

Shakespeare Vs. Oxford English Dictionary — Who has supplied more English words?



Wicked Diya Saini
Writers’ Blokke

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