Goodness Or Convenience?

What would you choose when you are pushed to the edge?

Zy Del Valle
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readDec 23, 2021


A road direction arrow pointing left and tight.
Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels

Human nature does not always decide between right and wrong. It often prefers convenience.

Selfishness? Maybe. Double standard? Probably.

Most will complain about a classroom officer who misuses a classroom fund. But few will complain about how a university misuses a university fund. And even rarer will somebody complain about how a government misuses a government fund.

A complaint is good, calling out the wrong is good. But how long will you choose to side with the good? It is easy to decide when you’re confronting a fellow student. Quite harder to pick when you’re up against school officials. Even tougher opting to speak out against people seated to the highest of authorities.

When you are prepared for an exam, it’s easy not to cheat. Not cheating is good, but how long will you hold the line. How long until you say, “Everybody does cheat” and “Cheating is normal”.

Even with things we believe in, we always tend to follow what sounds good on our ears. It is really comforting to think that you could always choose what suits you, but again ask yourself, is it appropriate or convenient?

Even with the way we act. It is easier to speak in hostility when your kid does something terrible (whether the kid meant it or not). Rather than to be calm and correct a child in a more consoling yet disciplinary way.

See, consoling and discipline all at once. Isn’t it easier to just scold let fear teach a child?

There’s a thin line between right and wrong. And is a heavy task to stand with what is just. But it’s a decision we should always strive to end up with. We will fail at times where to side, and that’s fine. To have a conscious effort making a good decision is enough.

The path of honor is a narrow one, a road less traveled. Integrity is a rugged trail to take, a route only a few manage to thrive. And even though it’s not always sunshine and pretty skies, I wish we would always persevere being the best human being we could be.

We are the decisions we take in life. So ask yourself, do you always take integrity over favor? Or do you always seize selfish benefits regardless?



Zy Del Valle
Writers’ Blokke

I love to talk about life, basketball and anything else. I’m also an Electronics Engineer by profession.