Halfway to Monetization With Only 12 Days on Medium

And here’s how I’m doing it!

Mackenzie Plunkett
Writers’ Blokke
2 min readSep 27, 2021


I discovered the world of Medium from the infamous video by Shelby Church below:

As someone who likes to dabble in side hustles for fun, my naʻau (mind, heart) knew deep down this was my next challenge.

What To Write About

A white lightbulb laying horizontal with a bright orange background. Halfway to Monetization With Only 12 Days on Medium. Mackenzie Plunkett. Writing. Hawaii. 100 followers.
Photo by Didssph on Unsplash

Although algorithms, claps, and the number of followers are key to be successful on Medium, getting paid isn’t my main goal. I plan to use this platform to enhance my writing skills and express myself. Cliché right?

In all honestly, if I never see a penny from Medium, I wouldn’t be mad. I’ve always liked reading literature from the Oceania region and diving deep into the realm of indigenous works. If you told me I could combine my passions with the possibility of making a couple dollars?! Sign. Me. Up.

As you can tell from the stories I’ve written so far, the topics I like to write about are the following:







Nonetheless, breaking out of my comfort zone will occur as trying new things will only bring improvement (even if there’s some failure mixed in).

When To Post

A women at her desk typing on a computer. Halfway to Monetization With Only 12 Days on Medium. Mackenzie Plunkett. Writing. Hawaii. 100 followers.
Photo by Avel Chuklanov on Unsplash

My goal is to post every weekday for one month. I’m still in the experiment stage of figuring out how I write best. Do I write better in the morning or before I go to bed? Is batch writing on the weekends efficient? Do I even have time to write everyday? Hopefully, this is become easier with time.

Where To Post

After reading countless articles, I learned that writers can submit their stories publications to gain traction. Hence, I did exactly that.

Here’s some of my articles that have been accepted into publications:

I also plan to join writing challenges like the September Writing Challenge by Robert Ralph at the publication New Writers Welcome below:

With that said, I have much to learn.

I hope you liked my first update as a newbie Medium writer!

Follow me, Mackenzie Plunkett, for more stories on all things Hawaiʻi! Mahalo!



Mackenzie Plunkett
Writers’ Blokke

A Young Native Hawaiian Woman Passionate About Indigenous Sovereignty & Life In Hawaiʻi Nei