Harness the Power of the 6-Month Review Using This Method

Jerome H
Writers’ Blokke
Published in
5 min readJun 3, 2021


Photo by Oladimeji Ajegbile from Pexels

Years ago when my entrepreneurial journey first started I remember reading Tim Ferris’s material on dreamlining.

Basically, the idea was to set lifestyle and income goals 6 months in advance. This way you’re motivated with clear parameters on how to go about achieving those goals. Needless to say, this exercise didn’t work for me. My goals were too intense for the stage I was in. In a few months, the exercise was completely abandoned.

After that failure, many other attempts were made to get a clear direction on how I wanted to design my life but nothing stuck.

Enter the 6-month review

Over 8 months ago I stumbled on a post written by Tom Kuegler where he talked about the power of writing a review every 6-months.

I didn’t save the post but the idea stuck in my mind. At that point, I kept a business journal that would be updated every few weeks. But a 6-month review promised a more meta-view on progress made. So a few days later I wrote my own review. It was a simple Google Doc with three questions:

  • What has happened in the last 6 months?
  • What wins did I have?
  • Where do I want to go in the next 6 months?



Jerome H
Writers’ Blokke

I talk about manifestation, accountability, goals, and spirituality. Download your free grounding meditation: https://bit.ly/3WmfGyd