Here’s How We can Practice Self-healing in 5 Easy Ways

The experience of Self-healing

Writers’ Blokke


Source: Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

Anyone who attempts self-healing has a different experience. This self-healing can be described as calming, warm, and physically pleasurable by many persons who have experienced it. However, if you are considering a self-healing process, you should be aware that your body may experience energy and mood swings.

Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.” — Tori Amos

A simple guide to the self-healing process:

1) Be yourself

Accepting who you are and then being that person are the first steps. A person can not change overnight. We must accept ourselves as who we are and recognizing that fact, as difficult as it may be at times, is essential in terms of recovering and enhancing our mental health. Do as you please, eat as you like, and take pleasure in anything you like. Nobody should live your life for you, so be yourself and do what you want rather than what others advise you to do.

2) Allow the past to fade away

What had been in your past should stay in the past. As nothing is going to change that, so…



Writers’ Blokke

Ph.D. (Management)| Educator | Content Writer | Writing about things that intrigue my curious mind |